At that time I was a bit of a chess worm, meaning that I studed a lot of books. In my heart I have always loved playing 1.e4 and when my opponents played the Sicilian I always played the latest, fashionable move. This was however impractical because it meant I had to study for countless hours for countless variations.
1. e4 is the move that best reflects my style and ambitions. I decided very early in my chess career to always fight for the initiative and set my opponents tough problems from the first move onwards. The struggle at the board is the most fulfilling part of chess.
My mentor and sponsor in the Black Bear School (among others) was a gentleman call Willie Johnson. His nickname was Pop and he was a strong expert. Willie had also a very strong work ethic despite the fact that he worked full time as an electrician for the LIE.
I owe a tremendous amount to Pop and one of the things I owe was he introduced me to the Morra Gambit. So, I dedicate this and all future articles on the Morra, to my friend, my mentor and fellow Black Bear, Pop Johnson.
The reason for this article has comes from the blog post by my friend Andre’ Harding. It is entitled Chess Opening Discussion and you can read it here.
The format that I am going to use Andre’s article ( or else this article will turn into a book, hmmmm) using his same chapters and break-ups in the section and offering my counter arguments.
In order to discuss this I will go back to the 3rd move of the Gambit. (see diagram below:)
Morra Gambit Initial Diagram
Let’s look at the initial diagram at the cost of a Pawn White has a development advatage. In the Opening this is very important and that is the reason why it is so prone to traps.
The critics say that White does not have enough for the pawn. Well, let examine how many tempos White has for the Pawn, First his Knight is out, secondly Black will have to make at a minimum 2 more Pawn moves to bring his Bishops out. That is a minimum of 3 moves for the Pawn which is exactly what you are theoretically supposed to have. So, theretically, White has a dynamically balanced postion.
Remembering that winning positions only come from strategically sound ones is it any wonder that even a slight misstep can cause immediate defeat? This to me is a further reason we play the Morra to make sure our opponents develop along sound and natural lines.
There are many traps in the Morra Gambit many of which will be enthusiatically portrayed in future articles and videos. This is a fun part of the Morra. Who doesn’t love skewering our opponents on the hook of theoretical knowledge?
Andre shows 2. One with the White pieces and one with the Black. The Siberian trap has won many a games for Black unfortunately it is shown to be practically refuted by the next game.,
Well, when confronted with a brick wall there are several things you can try:
In this instance prudence suggests that we go around it. Why, because Esserman didn’t anaylze Taylor’s suggestion of 8…e5 and Taylor’s example of it was pretty powerful (Wolff Taylor New York 1983). I felt that after analyzing with my comps that it must be correct. So the fault of where White lost his initiative must lie in the fault of White’s 8th move.
All of these obstacles can seem pretty frustrating to the average Morra player but take heart I like the good sherpa that I am will lead you to solid ground.
When you find yourself with possibilities in the present that you do not like it is often reasonable to seek. The place I looked for other ideas to play on White’s 8th move was the book The Morra (Smith) Gambit by Janos Flesch published in 1981. The move I found was the move 8. a3!. In many ways this is the perfect reply to Black’s a6. White suffers by premature placing of his dark squared Bishop and the move 8…Bg4 leads to advantage for White according to both Flesh and Taylor. This move is not mentioned in Esserman’s book yet it seems to fulfill a lot of the requirements of the position. These are the ways that you can justify 8.a3!:
The Refutation of the Taylor ?
Well, dear reader, I could give you those now or later (in my book) but I would deny you the pleasure of exploring the possibilities yourself. Suffice it to say that the reporting of the death of the Morra is slightly premature.
I plan to play the move 8.a3! in my tournament games and because of that I think you players might consider naming it the Colding Variation of the Taylor Variation of the Morra Gambit. Hmmm, just a thought.
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