The 5 Checkmates You Must Know
- Part 2 -
The Protection Checkmate
The Protection Checkmate:
Part 2
The Protection Checkmate Article
Hello Chess for Children kids! This is National Master Mr C. and this articles subject is the Protection Checkmate.
What is the Protection Checkmate?
It is the checkmate with the Queen and Rook. There are actually 2 plans which we can use to checkmate with the Queen and Rook the first one being the Protection Checkmate and the Second one being called the walk. We will be talking about both plans in this article.
Plan # 1 – Protection
We call it the Protection Mate because the pieces protect each other going down the board.
Step 1: Limit the King.
We limit the King’s choices by going on either side of him. (see diagram below)
Queen and Rook
Step 2: We then check the King with first the Rook making sure that the Rook is protected by the Queen (see next diagram)
Queen and Rook 2Step 3: Check with the Queen making sure that the Rook is protecting Her Majesty (next diagram)
Plan 2 : The Walk
We call this plan the walk because the Queen and the Rook walk the King to the end of the board.
This is the way we do it.
Step 1: Make sure the Queen is protecting the Rook. (diagram)
Step 2: Move the Queen or the Rook to check the King off of the row he is on. In this case we use the Queen. (see diagram)
Step 3: The we move the other piece to check the King and move him off the row he is on. In this case it is the Rook (see diagram)
Step 4: Repeat until checkmate has been achieved. (diagram)
Part 2
The Protection Checkmate Video