King and Queen Checkmate
King and Rook Checkmate Article
Hello Chess for Children’s Kids! Today’s subject is the K+ Q mate. It is our great pleasure to introduce and welcome National Master Tyrell Harriott to the Chess for Children team. We are very pleased and lucky to have him!
Today’s article is about how to mate with the King and Queen. This is a checkmate that you should win every time. Once you know the plan the rest is easy.
King and Queen Checkmate Plan.
Start with Step 1. Take away a good portion of the board by moving the Queen a Knight’s move away from the opposing King.
Then move onto Step 2 : Dance with the King. Every time the King moves have the Queen make the exact same move. If the King move up diagonally move your Queen up diagonally etc.
Now it is time for Step 3: Repeat until the King moves to the edge of the board.
Leading to Step 4: Trap the King on the edge of the board with your Queen.
Continuing with Step 5: Bring your King up to face the opposing King.
Ending with Step 6: Deliver the mate with the Queen.
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K+Q Checkmate Video
About the Author
NM Tyrell Harriott
National Master, Tournament Director, , CEO and Founder of Kings of Queens of Chess, Chess Coach and Chess for Children Contributor