Minor Piece Checkmates - Part 1
Minor Piece Checkmate Article
Hello Chess for Children kids! It’s me Mr. C and todays’ subject is: Minor Piece Checkmates – Part 1.
Minor piece checkmates are mates performed with a combination of Knights and Bishops.
The different kinds of are mates with the Bishop and Knight, mates with the 2 Bishops and mates with the 2 Knights. We will begin our article by first looking at checkmate with the Bishop and Knight and then a little about the 2 Bishop.
In our next article we will finish off our study of the 2 Bishops and then explore the world of mating with 2 Knights. So if you are ready lets begin our journey.
Minor Piece Checkmates –
Mate with the Bishop and Knight.
There are 2 clues that can tell us when a checkmate with the Bishop and Knight might occur.
The first clue is if the King is near the edge of the board and the second clue is if the King is blocked by his own pieces.
We we are looking to mate with a Bishop and Knight we should know the following 3 positions.
To be continued>>>
Minor Piece Checkmate Video
Minor Piece Checkmate Quiz
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Minor Piece Checkmate Puzzles