Kids Chess Lesson - Attack f2/f7
Chess for Children Online Chess Lesson
Attack the King that has not castled – f2/f7 squares.
I will quote Milan Vukovic in his great book “The Art of Attack”
Black’s weakest square on the board before castling is f7 (f2 for White. ) Even in the opening stages threats of a sacrificial assault are common.
“Milan Vukovic , The Art of Attack”
Indeed many unsound openings are based upon a assault on the f7 square. Take for example the Jerome Gambit which can be explored in this article by Wikipedia here.
What kind of attack is possible on f2/f7?
There are many types of attacks that can be possible when we attack f2/f7. We can attack in these ways:
- King Hunts
- Scholar Mates
- Knight Forks
- Fool’s Mates
What are the clues that tell us when to attack f2/f7?
What do we look for to give us a hint that the possibility of an f2 f7 square attack might be possible? Here are a few hints.
- Only the King is protecting the square
- We have more pieces in that area or more piece that can get to that area
- We have a piece attacking that square
- Sacrificing on that square can lead to a King Hunt.
- Our opponent is blind and cannot see us attack f7.
- If you have a great lead in development.
- If our opponent is careless
- When our opponent moves the f7/f2 Pawn.
How to get better at f2/f7 attacks.
Another great article on good, bad and ugly attacks on f2 and f7 is written by ArnieChipmunk on and can be found by clicking here
Examples of f2/f7 Attacks
1.Chess Blindness
These are example only to be used if you suspect your opponent is not very experienced.